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Your Wellness Provider
Are you looking for wellness in Lehi? Most people are raised to believe that we are sick because we have symptoms. Have you ever considered sickness without symptoms? There are a growing number of people that are starting to visit their Lehi chiropractor while they feel like they are completely healthy. This decision is starting to become more appealing because more and more people want to be, and feel, their best.
Wellness Care in Lehi
Have you ever called into work or called a child off of school due to nausea or a fever? Most of us have learned to associate having an illness with apparent symptoms. Research is starting to show us that many of the illnesses society suffers from are directly related to decisions we are making in our lives. These decisions may affect our bodies and produce problems that do not have, what we consider to be, apparent symptoms.
Why Choose Wellness Care With Reflex Chiropractic?
The Body Reacts
An abundance of the nourishment that can be derived from meals is found in the form of carbohydrates. As was mentioned before, a carbohydrate is a type of macronutrient along with protein and fat. It is of vital importance to get your daily recommended amount of calorie intake through these macronutrients. Carbs are generally found in plant-based cuisine. However, this naturally occurring nutrient is now overused in a number of refined foods that overuse starches and sugars. Sugar is the most natural form of carbohydrate available. It arises from a unique assortment of the molecules oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. The difference in the arrangement of these molecules result in the multiple forms carbohydrates can come in. The organic sources of carbohydrates include:
Whole Grains
Master Control Center
Everything that occurs in our body, and our body does throughout the day, would not be possible without our nervous system. The chiropractors at ReFlex Chiropractic are dedicated to help protect the integrity of their patient’s nervous system. By protecting the nervous system, you are able to have uninterrupted nerve supply. ReFlex Chiropractic in Lehi can help you detect problems before it develops into a more serious problem.